Foldable Emails

Script No. 06
Location: La Oroya, Junin, Peru
First Scene: typing sequence
{Written by parts, after finishing interviews or waiting for interviews to start}

Dear Reader:

La Oroya is surrounded by white mountains covered by black cracks that are so steep that they seem to be as fake as a movie set. In fact I would like to go there and kick them to confirm or dismiss once and for all my suspicions.

advertisement insert to be read with a joyful tone:
"...And this beautiful scenario is located at 3,600 over the sea level, which can cause the visitors to have occasional headaches. All of which can be instantly avoided by either taking the right pill!"

Did I mention that Lima is very humid? It is, and therefore my half fishness makes me resent the usual dry weather from the highlands. We finished half hour earlier today because it started to rain a lot. I love rain in theory. Once it is pouring on me and wetting my clothes I want to run away from it. As you may guess thanks to your psychic powers, I've taken lots of pictures already, not so much of the town because my camera seems to be reluctant to catch its grayish beauty.

[girl looks at her shoes cause all of the sudden she felt cold] girl is dragged out of the office by coworkers who are dying to go back to the hotel, and uses the last line to complain about websense not letting her check her mails, accounts, etc. In shock, she realizes she had the discovered the meaning of..


Part 2 as it appeared in the next Email:

The last time I wrote it was raining outside. It is raining again. I like coincidences. It makes me think about a secret mechanism that would involve my fingers, typing and the clouds. That, now that I just typed it, makes lots of sense. In this paragraph I warn about how I'm going to write more text to follow. For example: My head hurts. I've been writing at nights, a lot. There are 2 lamps in my room and they are orange and pretty, its number, of the room, is 104. That number means absolutely nothing to me. Yesterday has happened already.

I have fallen in love with several things lately (f)or instance there is the trucks. It would be very dangerous to watch transformers now. (i)'ve found that we are going to another city on friday, Huancayo. We are interviewers o(n) a tour. (i) think it has to do with the contrast of their volume and the thousands of color(s) and lights they are covered in. Also t(h)ere was this orang(e) bridge that was awfully tall an(d) gorgeous. It made my heart race faster! I dont know where the example ends

if a haiku
is a farewell haiku
should it be byeku?

Actually height feels like a no-place and maybe that is why I feel comfortable there. Because its not like Im not aware of it, but it feels ok. Something like I'm floating but with a temporal ground. I just remembered that I dream a lot about buildings and me flying outside or inside. Gravity seems to be an issue in my subconscious.

Endings with IR Part 10

I: Hi, did you woke up today wondering about how Vienna is doing? this is your lucky day!
R: hello offline!
I: hello offshore!
I: Are you coming to vienna?
R: I should
I: cool then when you are here I can go to Miami so we could know each other cities AT THE SAME TIME!!
R: and then we can both send each other postcards
I: no come on, I'm busy in florida, don't make me write!

R: How do you pick a favorite book?
I: you line them up in a circle and then you put a bottle in the middle and let it..
I: ..or you circled them up in a line and tie strings to them
I: so that nobody else can open them? not even yourself!
R: strong strings
I: fishing strings
R: very accurate for something like Moby Dick.

I: Im so tired
R: How tired is so tired?
I: I would count it but i probably wouldn't finish cause you know, i'm so tired

I: im following amricas topmodel next
R: you're waiting for it at a bus stop and following it to work?
I: on a rolly thing with a stick
R: like asking for change
I: no no, asking for the next amricas topmodel
R: I had a dream that one of my other friends stopped using vowels...
I: amrica AMRICA
R: You're just yelling now. people will stare
I: theres no people here
R: know I'm made of people, right?

R: what time is it there..?
I: 11
I: minus 16
R: wow. 10:44 is super late. How is class?
I: its fun. next class is 22
R: minutes? hours? days?
I: novembers

I: R is busy. you may be interrupting.
R: really?
I: the googles.
I: I just woke up. i was dreaming i broke up with this guy that look like one of the participants of this tv show and i was reading a greeting card he was going to give me and it made me think about reading in dreams.
R: Yeah, you can do a lot better. I meant to say, but you were sleeping of course
R: I had a dream that I forgot to go to sleep even though it was really important for some dream-specific reason. I woke up not exactly sure what to do next.
I: Are you watching something?
R: I'd never seen Supernatural and somehow it grew on me.
I: super naturally
R: it's really great at being natural.
I: Im having cereal in a very tiny bowl with a small spoon
R: I thought you didn't like cereal though?
I: me too!

I: do you see yourself around a computer in you near future?

I: Hey
R: wow... is it really true?!?
I: what part?
R: the time warp we fell into to be here at the same time...
I: Today i saw a warp

R: I got a new computer
I: Usorich
R: It was a hand-me-down
I: like second hand? or was it that you had to give one hand away?
R: Don't remind me.
I: Sorry, but i don't speak american. i have to ask.
R: That reminds me of a joke

I: Facebook just reminded me of your existence. but didnt tell me what to write. so.. im working as i mentioned in that mail you never answered unless i didnt write it to you then nevermind
R: wait - was this the "this is what I do when I don't talk to you" email?
I: maybe? I suck at sending mails. Im great at writing them though so its 50/50

I: A friend of mine got married and now he has a baby coming
it doesn't know its late for the wedding. so no cake
R: Maybe it will get birthday cake. or born cake. Like, happy born! You are zero!

I: gotcha!
R: No I'm leaving for a dr's appointment!
I: The lies you use..
R: I hope I come back with all my pieces!
I: Bye human puzzle

Endings with IR Part 9

I: I saw some dudes singing and playing the other day
like some months ago, or weeks, I don t remember
but they were nice. do you know them?
R: Oh those guys?
R: No.
I: why...

R: I have a theory that every piece of water is connected too!
I: oh ! Lets present it to the nobel people
R: but for what? Peace? Science?

R: What did you think of what i wrote?
I: love it. Ill take 3

I: really?
R: Sure!
I: hai!
R: what's new?
I: I moved
R: I may do that too now
I: ..not as in my body, silly one
I: houses!

R: I got sandpaper
I: Are you sick?
R: ... they don't prescribe sandpaper for that
I: How far are you from the beach?
R: About a mile, maybe two
I: Im a kilometer person.. I dont know what you are saying!
R: Many kilos from the beach.

I: I'm assisting classes in the University of vienna. History of art.
I: I go and write down the words I understand
R: and this assist them in?
I: It makes them feel smarter
R: My whole life should be like that. I would have you follow me around
R: I would tell you to recite the day back to me and say "Ocean imagine squid... talk beaks... recite."
I: I can do that. Beaks! Talk! Squid! Imagining! Ocean!

R: I miss you...  Like, with adjectives and things.
I: I miss me too, so i was thinking of starting to write a blog about my daily boring life.
I: What do you think? *link*
R: I think a boring blog is an exciting idea.
I: you find it boring so fast?
R: I find it exciting so fast. It already came to me boring

I: Don't hate me, ok? but I
R: ... I'm trying really hard

I: elektrshock is a song i really like. maybe its not a song
I: ...
I dies..
I tries..
I cuatries

R: you gave birth? Did it spring out of your forehead?
I: yes, and its name is autumn
I: cause it springed

I: what if i dont have a voice anymore? how would you know!?

R: I bet THEY would.
I: why THEY?
I: are they that tall?
R: you'd have to ask it like, "are they that TALL?
me: like this you mean: ARE THEY THAT tall?
R: ...I would name my band The BIG LETTERS.

I: robert IS! Robertis. It is like Atlantis but smaller
R: and less sunk
I: I don't know about that
R: I could tell you all about it
R: so. many. eyes. crying spider
I: spider-cry, spider-cry, itzy-bitzy, spider-cry *spiderman tune*
R: all fall down spicy dry
R: dermacy pie
R: democracy?
I: spider demo
R: pie spy
I: I spy lucy in the sky! with diamonds
I: Larry in the sea with dolphins
R: is it like grizzly man with overactive sea creatures?
I: 9!
I: Lestat in the Sauna with Dermis
R: Lomo in the Saxofon with Drama
I: you got it! usofast!
I: Lenny in the Soup with Doritos
R: Lunch in the Salesroom with Desperation
I: Laooconte in the Sofa with Dalmatians
I: Leia in the Southwesternpartofafrica with Dizziegillespie
I: I google mapped me today
R: was it nice?
I: with a giant pin
I: the pin was black
R: to mirror the darkness in your soul?
I: Have you seen twin peaks. Tween
R: Sometimes I think I've seen it, but my arms bend back instead.

Conversación con el Dr. Máximo Esquilmer

—Hay que tener paciencia para comer caramelos, porque uno tiende a morderlos. Haces el esfuerzo por mantenerlo entero el mayor tiempo posible pero es inútil. Luego, cuando está chiquitito te dices a ti mismo "lo hubiera mordido"
—Una vez un caramelo me mordió
—...en fragmentos es como vidrio dulce en la boca
—Las paltas que compro acá vienen de perú, de vacaciones. se pasean, toman fotos y las cuelgan en el facebook. Luego regresan con un polo que dice Berlin.
—El polo habla (!) pero bueno, solo se sabe una palabra. Que pena. Y juega polo?
—El polo? No, juega golf.

Conversation with Dr. Maximus Mocker

—One has to be patient when eating candy, because one tends to bite them. Sometimes one makes the effort to keep the whole candy without biting it. Then when it's a tiny piece, one thinks "I should have bitten it".
—Once a candy bit me.
—When fragmented is like pieces of broken glass inside your mouth.
—The avocados that I buy here come from Peru; to vacation. They take walks and pictures that they later upload to their Facebooks. They comeback with a T-shirt that says Berlin.
—The t-shirt speaks (!) but well, it only knows one word.

Terry Cola

Siempre he pensado que debería existir una gaseosa que se llame Terri-cola. Cuando se lo conté a V, me dijo que debería llevar el rostro de Terry, el chico que aparece en Candy. Ahora pienso en el ex presidente Fernando Belaunde Terry y que el envase debería ser completamente redondo. Imposible de almacenar, por el contrario, sería muy fácil de limpiar. Otra opción sería Larga Cola. Esta última la podrían vender en las afueras del Banco de la Nación, o para no irnos tan cerca, del Banco de Crédito.

Potentially interesting narratives

Four out of 224.

Isla de Man

Saint Pierre y Miquelon




or how to create terribly insufficient parallels

I've been thinking about my way of being and escapism. My hair keeps growing and I let it do so. I've came up with an explanation where I have set up a rapunzellian adventure of inner growth, where I'm the one who forces me to be locked up faraway from exposing myself. I'm Rapunzel and the witch at the same time. When I'm ready to destroy the tower, I also will be the prince.


On Why Kinicals, Existentialists, Nihilists, and Cynics Feel The Way They Do When They Do

Nothing is unexplainable. The explanation may be wrong but that's another thing

Behind every realist/idealist, lies a romantic that believes so firmly in their ideals* that whenever they are crushed (and they knew they were going to anyway) something decompresses inside of them. Two opposite poles.. and that is probably the worst analogy to use but one can picture it like this: a system where two engines are moving in opposite directions at a random regular rhythm. Whenever there is an acceleration in one of them they will feel either optimistic or full of disbelief.

But when both poles accelerate at the same time, there is an inevitable convulsion and they crash and everything collapses. the whole system stops and they feel neither optimistic or pessimistic. They just feel nothing at all. Absolute void. They experience (as a simile to what happens in the universe), the expansion of time and space, inside of them. And of course, in their most inner core there is nothing but a black hole.

* The idea of the Electric Monk is described by Douglas Adams in his book Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. The Electric Monk was a labour-saving device that believed in things for you, thus saving you of what was becoming an increasingly onerous task, that of believing all the things the world expected you to believe.' —xxix.vii.mmvi

Desert theories

I do not know how much time passed between one and the following events but I remember waking up in the shore of a rather small lake, to be more exact I was in an oasis in the middle of the desert—which confirms my theory that every little piece of water in the world is connected. The people standing in front of me took me on their shoulders and left.

None of them would call themselves by the same name more than once and therefore the days with them were very confusing. They had the strangest giraffe; it could walk days and days without having nothing to eat. When they realized I could not walk anymore they let me ride the giraffe. At this point I think it could have been a camel—this contradicts my theory in which giraffes lose their spots to mimic themselves with the desert.

Short story about the color of the sea

Sitting in a boat
in the middle of the sea
are Celeste and Pistacchio.
Celeste falls.
Pistacchio follows her.
(As I was falling into the water I realized I would never see it again. I still don't know what we were waiting for.)