Foldable Emails

Script No. 06
Location: La Oroya, Junin, Peru
First Scene: typing sequence
{Written by parts, after finishing interviews or waiting for interviews to start}

Dear Reader:

La Oroya is surrounded by white mountains covered by black cracks that are so steep that they seem to be as fake as a movie set. In fact I would like to go there and kick them to confirm or dismiss once and for all my suspicions.

advertisement insert to be read with a joyful tone:
"...And this beautiful scenario is located at 3,600 over the sea level, which can cause the visitors to have occasional headaches. All of which can be instantly avoided by either taking the right pill!"

Did I mention that Lima is very humid? It is, and therefore my half fishness makes me resent the usual dry weather from the highlands. We finished half hour earlier today because it started to rain a lot. I love rain in theory. Once it is pouring on me and wetting my clothes I want to run away from it. As you may guess thanks to your psychic powers, I've taken lots of pictures already, not so much of the town because my camera seems to be reluctant to catch its grayish beauty.

[girl looks at her shoes cause all of the sudden she felt cold] girl is dragged out of the office by coworkers who are dying to go back to the hotel, and uses the last line to complain about websense not letting her check her mails, accounts, etc. In shock, she realizes she had the discovered the meaning of..


Part 2 as it appeared in the next Email:

The last time I wrote it was raining outside. It is raining again. I like coincidences. It makes me think about a secret mechanism that would involve my fingers, typing and the clouds. That, now that I just typed it, makes lots of sense. In this paragraph I warn about how I'm going to write more text to follow. For example: My head hurts. I've been writing at nights, a lot. There are 2 lamps in my room and they are orange and pretty, its number, of the room, is 104. That number means absolutely nothing to me. Yesterday has happened already.

I have fallen in love with several things lately (f)or instance there is the trucks. It would be very dangerous to watch transformers now. (i)'ve found that we are going to another city on friday, Huancayo. We are interviewers o(n) a tour. (i) think it has to do with the contrast of their volume and the thousands of color(s) and lights they are covered in. Also t(h)ere was this orang(e) bridge that was awfully tall an(d) gorgeous. It made my heart race faster! I dont know where the example ends

if a haiku
is a farewell haiku
should it be byeku?

Actually height feels like a no-place and maybe that is why I feel comfortable there. Because its not like Im not aware of it, but it feels ok. Something like I'm floating but with a temporal ground. I just remembered that I dream a lot about buildings and me flying outside or inside. Gravity seems to be an issue in my subconscious.